a floral bouquet filled vase with jelly like flowers overflowing on a table


a floral bouquet filled vase with jelly like flowers overflowing on a table

Go deeper

  • Christian Rex van Minnen painting a pink and yellow mask onto a monotype portrait

Behind the scenes

  • Van Minnen signing bottom of print with pencil
  • Van Minnen's Parallax shown in studio
  • Van Minnen holding print infront of him with two hands

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Reviews from Avant collectors

  • Not only the artwork, but also the unboxing was was a highlight itself - thank you for your perfect service!

  • Very well presented and with cert.

  • The artwork is amazing, the quality of the printing is sublime, I am totally amazed, Thank you

  • I am so happy with my purchase, and really all the work that Avant Art is doing to connect real people with artists. thank you!

  • So happy to have the print.

  • well done, excellent product and customer service

  • its a wonderful piece ! very happy

  • really a masterpiece to add in my collection!Thanks a lot🙏🏻❤️